Visiting at Stony Brook
We gather for worship on Sundays at 10 AM. Sunday School for all ages begins at 9 AM.
If you are thinking of visiting us, here is what you can expect:
A Reverence for God We take our time to worship in song because we love God. A Warm Community Many of us like to stay long afterwards to enjoy each other’s company. Prayer We always have an extended time for prayer. Some pray openly in a conversational style. Others pray in silence. Sometimes we also use a liturgical style. An Informal Atmosphere We wear what we want — both casual clothing and dress-up styles are fine. A Variety of Music We sing both older and newer songs. Sometimes the tone is solemn, sometimes it is joyful, but always it is worshipful and meant to include. We do not consider worship to be a performance or entertainment, but the glorification of God. A Welcoming Place for Children We have a nursery during the entire worship hour and child care during the sermon. After church, many children play together. A Love for Scripture We value the Word of God. The sermons help us to think seriously about Scripture and they are meant to help us follow its teaching in real life. |